Mobile Marketing

An Overview on Mobile Marketing

The use of mobile phones is increasing day in day out. Mobile applications dictate that nearly everything can now be done via phone. For the open-minded marketer, he or she will quickly realize that people are no longer visiting cyber cafes or carrying laptops around. Attention is shifting to mobiles devices, especially the Smartphones and tablets, and this only means one thing, a very dynamic, straight, thorough, and targeted marketing platform. Mobile marketing is indeed the new way to go in reaching the masses with products and services based on the fact that nearly everyone has a mobile device.

To actually decipher how viable this marketing phenomenon is, companies are creating mobile versions of their websites. Why? You guessed right – to make their goods and services more accessible to the masses. Mobile marketing is mainly achieved through SMS marketing, social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and the like), and through company specific applications. With more and more people increasingly buying Smartphones, the sky is hardly the limit in mobile campaigns.

There are several immediate advantages that come with mobile marketing. First is the cost-effectiveness, and secondly, the two-way advertisement possibility this channel brings about. If people use their mobile devices to communicate, connect, and interact with loved ones, this indeed means that they can also do that with businesses and retailers. If the same devices are playing a major role in today’s shopping to compare prices, products, get discounts, and the like, this means the customers will accept marketing strategies such as deals, offers, and coupons, which they even don’t like carrying around in their normal paper form.

One factor that really drives up mobile marketing is real time marketing. Here we might want to know that SMS marketing is a principal strategy that is used to reach the masses. Through the text marketing channel we are able to bring other options that consumers will make a choice over. The SMS may come bearing links to emails, points of sale, websites, or even social networks. For a mobile campaign to succeed it should always be about giving the customer a choice and not seem to impose it on them.

Mobile marketing cannot only be seen as a strategy but also as a channel which brings in customers’ interaction with products and services. Establishing a relationship with a customer and in real time for that matter is the goal of today’s marketing and the mobile platform is helping businesses achieve exactly that. Phones, smart or otherwise, are not the only target of mobile campaigns as companies are also working to have presence among tablets as these give customers more control over applications.


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