Local Marketing

Local printing company wins 'Best Workplace' industry award

Local printing company wins 'Best Workplace' industry award
Think Patented printing and marketing company in Miamisburg has achieved a designation of “Best Workplace in the Americas 2015” for its human resources practices from the industry group Printing Industries of America, a spokesman for the industry group …
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Vyhnalek: Post-harvest marketing workshops set
Post-harvest grain marketing workshops will be offered at 10 sites across Nebraska in November and December to assist grain producers in creating a written post-harvest marketing plan that is right for them. The Platte County Extension Office is …
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Direct Marketing

Jusuru International receives DSA 2015 Ethos Award

Anaheim, CA (PRWEB) May 1, 2015

Jusuru International has obtained the prestigious Life ™ Award Ethos 2015 DSA for successful repositioning of its flagship nutritional supplements, liquid BioCell and the relaunch of the brand now with a new name, new logo, new packaging, new products and new messages.

The Ethos DSA Awards are designed to identify and promote programs that serve as examples of direct sales of its best around.

“DSA welcomes Jusuru International for their outstanding achievements and contributions to direct sales,” said DSA President Joseph Mariano. “This program is an excellent example of the creativity and innovation that are driving our industry further. “

Jusuru International was established in 2010 with its flagship product called Jusuru Life Blend, a patented, liquid collagen matrix highly bioavailable, resveratrol, and antioxidant fruits started 13 formulated phytonutrients. Backed by numerous awards and several clinical trials, lives in the mixture improves joint mobility and lubrication, reduces discomfort and promotes healthy cartilage and connective tissue. It has also been clinically proven to reduce wrinkles from the inside without cosmetic injections, reduce dryness without the use of topical moisturizers and reduce the enzyme that can make your skin age. Users experience dramatic results and the turnover of the company has grown consistently at a great price from the beginning.

“We decided to take our flagship product as a hi-tech, sophisticated, patented, award-winning nutraceutical who need to reposition the brand as the first health supplement building joints and Nutricosmetic a state-of-the -art and expand the market to new audiences. It is an honor to the Direct Selling Association pays tribute to the successful launch of our products with the Ethos Award, “said Asma Ishaq, President of Jusuru.

Jusuru International revive his company and its brand in 2014 with a new name, new logo, new packaging, new products and new mail, which should reach all new markets.

name, logo and packaging. Jusuru Life Blend was renamed life liquid BioCell ™, based on the patented liquid collagen matrix, and with that change came a new logo and a new protected packaging that would position the product as a nutraceutical science-based. An item “drop” was specially developed for the new logo, with the fall of characterization outside liquid “b” represents BioCell and the inner red fall functionality work product of the “inside-out” to define.

new products. With a formulation containing resveratrol and antioxidant phytonutrients 13 fruits, life liquid BioCell ™ targeted to the needs of baby boomer 50+ market.

The results and dramatic clinical users regarding the benefits of BioCell ™ liquid skin identifies an opportunity not to be exploited for a female audience younger, 40-50 years old, want to look younger and 25-35 want to stay young. In response to a growing market Nutricosmetic predicts exponentially to $ 4240000000 to accelerate, liquid skin began Jusuru BioCell ™ owners with Liquid Nutricosmetic as BioCell ™, ceramides, increased collagen extracts and antioxidant-rich phytonutrients of the fruit position 14.

In addition, the company develops its hi beautiful app to coincide with the launch of new products, so consumers before and after taking photos on results and properly formatted with the date and time of measurement share on social media.

A new clinical study concluded that liquid BioCell ™ can protect the connective tissues of the musculoskeletal system and improve recovery after intense exercise and showed promising new applications in sports nutrition, growth of market forecasts to 83 % liquid BioCell ™ 2019 Sport was in September 2014 as an innovative dietary supplement that supplies the physical and mental performance, joint and muscle fitness helps begun, and increases the recovery of its own formula with Liquid BioCell ™, BCAA, L carnitine, 9 antioxidants and unique performance enhancing extracts. Liquid BioCell ™ Sport is NSF certified for sports.

NEW messaging. The company main site was designed with a fresh and modern atmosphere to better control the new product to attract new target markets and to provide scientific company message in a visual, easy to understand format. The site is also designed with 7 targeted microsites, including Salesforce the company to send the prospects for targeted areas of interest, you allow.

In order to maintain the integrity of the professional brand marketing daily through its independent representatives, Jusuru also launched a sophisticated marketing system called Jusuru Media Center. The media center provides access to a comprehensive library of brand professionals and customizable video, audio, presentations, e-cards, social media posts, catalogs, brochures, flyers, invitations, banners, and more, and allows measurement results.

Results. Jusuru International’s patented, award-winning nutraceutical liquid BioCell ™ was successfully relaunched, and initiatives of independent representatives of company vehicles to catapult their businesses and expand their market base, which added strength to an increase in Conversion 217%.


Jusuru International was created from the science behind liquid BioCell ™, a new generation of nutraceuticals for the joints, skin and cell health to life. Backed by 37 clinical studies, 7 US and international patents and numerous industry awards has liquid BioCell ™ has his mark on the multi-billion dollar anti-aging industry. With over 20 years of R & amp; amp; amp; D expertise and scientific management team of Harvard, Princeton, Cornell and Rice made were their laboratories provide manufacturing services on quality measurement for the dietary supplement industry since 1994 and meet the highest quality standards stringent for the production of food supplements and pharmaceutical products. Your institution, occupying over 150,000 square meters, is a cGMP-compliant installation according to current Good Manufacturing Practice are set by the Food and Drug Administration of the United States. He is certified by the third three external auditors, the Natural Products Association, NSF and NSF issued Directorate of Sports ® Food and Drugs, and maintains a drug production license by the State of California.

Direct Selling Association

DSA is the national trade association of the leading companies in the manufacture and distribution of goods and services sold directly to consumers. In 2013, direct sales in the United States were more than $ 32.7 billion nationally with around $ 16.8 million of direct sales. The vast majority are business-independent microentrepreneurs it aimed at a product / service of a company that you provided voluntarily. The cornerstone of the Association’s commitment to ethical business practices and customer service is its Code of Ethics. Each KPMG firm is committed by Code standards and procedures as a condition of admission and continuing to maintain membership in the association. For more information on direct selling, DSA and its Code of Ethics can be found on the DSA website


Jusuru International, Inc.,

1250 N. Red Gum St, Anaheim, CA 92806

(714) 678-1600 / E-mail: press (at) Jusuru (dot) com

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Direct Marketing

Axis Construction wins 2015 Honorable Mention Award Modular Building Institute Award of Distinction

Hauppauge, NY (PRWEB) April 3, 2015

The prestigious Honorable Mention Award Modular Building Institute was for the design and construction of the Queens Center Axis Construction Corp. hospital given – Employee Health and building human resources in Jamaica, New York. Axis was MBI Distinction event ceremony at the 32nd annual World of modular Convention & amp; amp; Recognized organized amp; Fair March 13 to 16 in Las Vegas, NV. Attracting more than 700 modular trade visitors from 24 countries, this exhibition is the first event of the commercial modular industry.

The award-winning modular building is strategically located in the center of New York City Health and Hospital Queens Campus Corporation is located. The building’s placement has direct access to the main road, parking lots and on campus, and the central location kept site interruption when building a minimum. Building design and construction mixing state of the art, architecture, structural features, mechanical, electrical and hydraulic while strictly adhering to budgets that were crucial for the success of the project.

The new design highlights a natural window light entry system allows you to fill the room, thin brick facade factory applied in full parapet, ceramic tiled washroom and clean, smooth interiors for offices and clinical courses. The building was very efficient interior lighting with motion controls in all rooms, environmentally respectful paintings, high efficiency air conditioners natural gas and reflective white permanent shelter designed for energy efficiency. The device meets the strict New York building codes and Department of Health regulations.

“axis is delighted to have received this award from the Institute of modular construction,” said President and CEO of the axis Ralph Lambert. “We are very proud of our focus on quality and innovation and we are delighted that our work is recognized as one of the best in modular design.”

The MBI Awards of Distinction is the first modular rewards program for the commercial industry. An impartial jury of industry and non-industry construction and code experts, architects, engineers and marketing professionals evaluate each entry based on architectural excellence, technical innovation, sustainability, efficiency , energy efficiency and calendar days to complete.

“MBI and judges Distinction Awards are proud axis Construction Corp permanent solution of modular health in Queens, New York recognizable as honorable mention for our permanent Health category,” said Tom Hardiman Executive Director of the Institute modular construction. “I extend my congratulations to the team axes, affiliation, NRA, Inc. and all 2015 winners of Distinction Award. We had a number of projects is attached to an incredible innovation this year and we look forward to another big projects that encourage our members. “

Axis Construction: For over twenty years the axle construction was widely recognized as an innovator in construction, design and management, which always raises the standard for community construction of industry. With a team approach, which project management on site, and post-construction monitoring includes pre-design consultation, Axis strives to exceed expectations and deliver creative, sustainable and profitable results for all customers. Axis was founded on a strong commitment to excellence and honesty that is given to each project conducted from small renovations to complex multi-stage missions. Axis has received numerous awards and received a Platinum rating by the US Green Building Council.

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Real Estate Marketing

Diana Allmer office property Co. Honored With Five Star Real Estate Agent Award 2015

Portland, OR (PRWEB) March 4, 2015

Five Star Professional is pleased to Diana Allmer, real estate office code Co., was elected as one of Portland Five Star Real Estate Agent for the year 2015.

Five Star Professional partnership with Portland Monthly to a select group of Portland real estate agents to identify the quality of services for their clients. Diana Allmer will be exhibited along with other winners in a special section of the issue in March.

“I am honored to be the professional price again this year and five-star acknowledging that my clients who have taken their time to get to provide the necessary recommendations for the price. Purge my clients I am honored and it’s always been my goal, with customers satisfied at the end, so that your answers are a real bonus for me. Thank you! “Diana Allmer office property Co.

The Star Real Estate Agent Award Program Five is the largest and most widely advertised program Estate Agents prices in North America. Agents are measured using a detailed research methodology lens, with a major focus on customer feedback and overall satisfaction.

“Five Star professional research is vast, in contact with over 10 million customers, colleagues and other stakeholders each year. We are tirelessly our efforts, these professionals with the highest level of excellence,” Jonathan Wesser, Research Director, Five Star Professional.

Can be displayed

Diana Allmer by Five Star Award Profile code here.

About the research process:

Now in its 12th year, leading Five Star Professional depth, specific market research in over 45 markets in the United States and Canada to identify professional premium services.

Contacts Five Star Professional thousands of recent buyers to assign candidates to identify. Telephone, email and online respondents to assess their real estate agent 10 satisfaction criteria. Candidates with customer satisfaction ratings motion qualified on the basis of objective criteria such as experience, production levels and the disciplinary history and grievances will be evaluated.

Brokerage pay a tax to be considered or granted. For more information, please visit http: // www code.

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