(PRWEB) October 03, 2014
PPC, SEO, Social Media, and Email Marketing Solution Technical Guides driven by cognitive science and experiment design is able to provide effective cross-reference points to validate the campaign performance by experimented treatments on both macro and micro levels. In addition, Thincr’s researches found that: (1) PPC (Pay Per Click) enables web marketers to zoom in on the most significant variables in their experiment designs to gauge the effectiveness of their campaign treatments, thus raising their ROAS (Return On Ad Spend); (2) the injection of persuasion tactics into the campaign treatments allows them to accelerate the conversion process. As very few researches or technical sources have tapped into the development of search marketing solutions from the perspectives of cognitive science and experiment design, Thincr LLC would like to share its research findings in its Search Engine Marketing Books by digital format as follows:
PPC book, Cognitive Search Marketing & Paid Search: Theory, Experiment, Practice and Tactics: A PPC Paradigm Powered by Persuasion and Cognition, is written to enable internet marketers to improve their profitability and ROAS while leveraging Quality Score, CTR (Click-Through Rate), conversion rate, traffic quality, and extend the customer reach of their PPC / AdWords Campaign. In addition, this Pay Per Click book also demonstrates the techniques to facilitate positive attitude change toward the target products or brands while propelling conversion strength, rebuilding a brand image or reinforcing a positive one. Furthermore, it will also show content providers the top tips to monetize their content through AdSense. Highlights of this paid search book are listed as follows:
Cognitive ad creative writing techniques featuring Cognitive Dissonance Theory by Leon Festinger, A-B-X model by Theodore M. Newcomb, and Hierarchy of Needs by Abraham Maslow.
The deployment of placement-targeting to enhance contextual targeting, featuring Standard Placement Targeting and MRI Placement-targeting by Site.
Persuasive ad writing tactics through the creation of engaging ad copy physique, the attack on visitors’ cognition, the strategic use of popular keywords with the alternative offers, the implementation of I-Can’t-Wait ad copy, and the adoption of ad parameters to update ads.
The demonstration of using BCG Matrix to analyze the landscape of competition and develop an effective marketing appeal to stay competitive while maintaining profitable and facilitating a positive attitude change toward the target product by Spiral of Silence Theory and the illustration of the tactics to enhance online marketing campaign through agenda setting.
The Illustration and example of how to apply Pearson’s Product Moments & Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient in an experiment design to identify the marketing elements that are able to provide the most significant positive impact on customers’ attitude change toward a defined conversion.
Strategic keyword generation featuring critical topics on development of Seed Keyword List (SKL), the development of cognitively transferred terms, the analysis of the search query reports and meta tags of competitors’ websites, the techniques for generating long-tail keywords, the deployment of tactical keyword grouping and so many more.
The illustration of 20 top tips for strategic bidding and tips for tactical organic and paid listing arbitration to reduce campaign cost.
The Illustration of conversion attribution model and its application by example, and the adoption of view-assist and view-through to identify the latent conversion contributors for effective marketing resource allocation.
Google Instant’s impact on paid search featuring the tactics for the implementation of geo-modifier and the techniques for strategic alignment with Google Instant to increase CTR (Click-Through Rate) on ads, as well as their conversion rates.
Techniques for maneuvering language mode, removing major landing page barriers and constructing effective USP, offer, and credibility elements to leverage conversion rate.
Techniques for facilitating a positive and persuasive setting for content consumption while providing landing page optimization tips for lead generation and landing page real estate planning, as well as element allocation.
Implementation of Google Web Optimizer (GWO) and the interpretation of Combination and Page Section Report to: (1) learn how different page element variations perform on a page section and identify how a particular page section affects the test results in terms of relevance rating; (2) identify the combination of page elements that is most likely to produce a significant improvement on conversion rate.
Proven tactics for building an AdSense oriented site through: (1) the adoption of a matching theme and effective page real estate management; (2) the analysis on the nature of different ad units and the illustration of the high-performing spots on a webpage to place these ad units.
Furthermore, the studies in the book of Cognitive Search Marketing & Paid Search: Theory, Experiment, Practice and Tactics: A PPC Paradigm Powered by Persuasion and Cognition are going to reveal the secrets about how to extend the practice of strategic PPC in an online job search process to help the readers land their dream jobs. The highlights of Cognitive Search Marketing & Paid Search: Theory, Experiment, Practice and Tactics: A PPC Paradigm Powered by Persuasion and Cognition won’t just stop here. Please see the attachment on the right for so much more.
Based on web developing, content, and interpersonal perspectives, the book, Integrated Search Marketing Solution & Organic Search: Search Engine Optimization, Social Media, and Email Marketing: Winning Formula for SERP Dominance, is written to enable web marketing practitioners to: (1) enhance ranking competency on SERP (Search Engine Results Page); (2) monetize content; (3) facilitate business localization to capitalize local business opportunities; and (4) expand customer base and extend content reach while increasing their lead retention rates. Highlights of this integrated search marketing book are listed as follows:
Systems to build up a Facebook empire and expand Facebook fan base, featuring: (1) the techniques for deploying speakers in the leading and supporting roles; (2) tactics for expanding fan base via implicit and explicit, as well as external heterogeneous and homogeneous FB fan groups.
SEO server-side optimization featuring: (1) must-have tactics for Improving site performance to gain better SERP (Search Engine Results Page) ranking; (2) domain name optimization; (3) technical procedure for the adoption of 301 redirect to retain SEO metrics; (4) implementation of XML site map and Google Sitemap for better site indexing; (5) configuration of robot.txt to increase site relevancy; (6) web programming techniques to facilitate a fast and secured user experience; (7) strategic content categorization; (8) proper configuration of ViewState in a web application; (9) the practice of Exception Handling and the adoption of custom 404 page to increase visitor’s retention rate; (10) the use of SSI for content syndication; and (11) tactical construction of a self-supported hub of authority.
An SEO walk-thru to avoid duplicate content by: (1) the deployment of harsh symbol and canonical URL; (2) the configuration of Google’s parameters handling; and (3) the adoption of Google preferred domain in Google Webmaster Tools.
The techniques for strategic Internal link placement based on the notion of page segmentation and optimization of structured markup with a keyword-oriented USP to produce a distinguished organic listing while implementing a keyword-oriented facet navigation to produce an effective search process.
SEO off-page optimization featuring: (1) the tactics to increase link popularity and link reputation through the deployment of keyword-oriented page elements and strategic link building; (2) the methods to leverage link popularity through the collaboration with PPC / AdWords campaign; (3) strategic deployment of micro-site to leverage link popularity and link reputation; (4) tips to retain link juice when providing an outbound link; and (5) tactics to increase SERP (Search Engine Results Page) dominance by taking advantage of brand keyword queries.
SEO on-page optimization featuring: (1) strategic implementation of keyword density and proximity; (2) internal link optimization and building strategy; (3) tactics to increase content / code ratio; and (4) SEO content management through CMS (content management system).
Permission-based content email campaign featuring: (1) the tips for strategic content creation and management; (2) email real estate optimization and management; (3) subscribe and unsubscribe management to increase retention and recovery rate; (4) the practice of bounce management to facilitate valid content delivery; (5) tactics for increasing email delivery rate; and (6) the tips for the examination of email program partners and the maintenance of email list to ensure quality email leads.
Integrated Search Marketing Solution & Organic Search: Search Engine Optimization, Social Media, and Email Marketing: Winning Formula for SERP Dominance is able to offer readers so much more. Please see the attachment on the right for more highlights on top-performing tactics in SEO, Facebook, Social Media, and Email Marketing.
Thincr LLC is confident that these two books, Cognitive Search Marketing & Paid Search: Theory, Experiment, Practice and Tactics: A PPC Paradigm Powered by Persuasion and Cognition and Integrated Search Marketing Solution & Organic Search: Search Engine Optimization, Social Media, and Email Marketing: Winning Formula for SERP Dominance, will make a huge difference in the success of an online business based on today’s model of digital marketing. Check out these two strategic search engine marketing reference guides for the comprehensive coverage of these cutting-age web marketing techniques driven by cognitive science and experiment design for PPC, SEO, Facebook, and Search Marketing now and take your campaign to the next level today.
About Thincr LLC:
Committed in developing integrated online marketing strategic solutions, Thincr LLC is specialized in providing consultancy in the realms of image reinforcement, branding, persuasion, and attitude change through Paid Search, Search Engine Optimization, Social Media, and Email Marketing. Thincr LLC is dedicated in publishing while supporting growth and innovation and providing online businesses efficient and valuable references to assist them to excel in their marketing campaigns.