Direct Marketing

Network Marketing Or Direct Sales

Network marketing and direct sales share a common platform on various counts although they differ in terms of compensation structure. They are both avenues of marketing used by companies to cut down on their direct sales force and on costs of infrastructure required for reaching out to the customer through showrooms and stocking units.

As per the Direct Selling Association, statistics recorded in America during 2007 showed there were 15 million Americans involved in direct selling, accounting for $ 30 billion in direct retail sales. 98 percent of these sellers operated through multi-level networks and 70 percent of the sales were generated from the seller’s home. These statistics prove the success of network marketing and direct sales making both of these good online business options to consider.

Both Network marketing and direct sales fall under the category of self employment with the requirement of selling skills. These enterprises require entrepreneurs who are self motivated, good at networking and capable of making a least a minimum investment of time and money to get started. While both these online business options are highly are remunerative, it will take some time for you to see the commencement of steady inflow of money from your business.

Network marketing and direct sales leverage the support provided by companies in terms of the big budget advertisements, information on corporate websites and marketing material. Companies in turn remunerate this indirect sales force through commissions and other incentives. There are various types of compensation structures in both forms and both need careful understanding before signing up.

In regards to the differences between Network marketing and direct sales, there is a one-to-one relationship between the company, the seller and the customer in direct sales. In this business, the profits are more.

In network marketing, especially multi-level marketing which is more popular, there are several layers of salesmen between the company and the customer. In this business, the profits are less since they have to be shared by the Downline.

When it comes to compensation, in direct selling, if you bring in the sales, you get paid and keep the entire commission to yourself. When you are not selling, you don’t make any money. In multi-level marketing, depending on the scheme, whenever a person in a chain sells, the compensation is shared with the all members in the chain above that person.

Anthony M Healy is a business coach and mentor that assists serious entrepreneurs in building a profitable online business with multiple incomes streams. Anthony and his team have assisted hundreds of people in generating profits that exceed 0K or more in their first year. For more information and to contact Anthony, visit

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Online Network Marketing

Well, if you want, then honestly the truth can not be conducted solely online network marketing. If you want to be an online guru is then great, go do it. The truth is that the real money is not in the sponsoring its duplication. That being said, is the online marketing is just not duplicable. You can not teach the whole team to market on the Internet. The Internet is just a tool, should not be your primary marketing solution is
Most people are not techies that is, they will not be able to market on the Internet. All these new companies emerge from education that are easy to join, to build an Internet business, they never last. All companies are teaching their representatives to try to market online, they will simply not working. Many people do not even know how to use their computer, limiting your business online only, is a stupid mistake.

, is another reason why there is not enough traffic on the Internet. There among the search terms linked million MLM / network marketing online each month. For Theres not enough traffic to their overall share. Moreover, it is a offline medium market. If you do it right in the market, you can tap into all of the offline population. The possibilities are without end disconnected, a business opportunity to promote someone.

Why you and your team limited to the Internet when you are a company ten times faster offline. Offline marketing is simple and it is easy to duplicate in your team. The power of offline marketing is huge, so do you try to build your business online only. Online marketing is great, but not everyone can do it. If your serious about making a full time income in this industry, then you need to market offline.

You need to copy massive duplication and the only way is through marketing offline.

There are all kinds of offline marketing techniques in network marketing. Some of the biggest teams in the industry, built by distributing CD, DVD and even business cards. When you record audio fast you introduce this opportunity to give 10 people a week. You should be able to display at least one of them every week. Then, if you give them CD’s hand through their warm market, you can multi-million team grow in no time!

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Virtual Marketing

A New Network Marketing Opportunity – The Virtual Cell Phone Store

A new network marketing opportunity has popped up in the past few months. T-Mobile, Sprint and a company called Liberty International have teamed up to create what best can be called a virtual cell phone store. It has the same kind of access to phones, accessories and wireless service plans as the traditional retailers, but it requires no investment, rent to pay, employees to hire or inventory to stock. All transactions are done solely online and income is derived by earning commissions on phones and service plans. Residual income is paid on the sales from customer purchases and the point values associated with them in your entire organization.

The cell phone industry is very lucrative. It is also highly competitive. This is why some companies like the ones mentioned above are coming up with some pretty imaginative approaches to attracting customers. They have found that they can turn a customer base into an independent representative sales force.

This business opportunity works like this: If you sign up for one of their wireless service plans and refer three people to the same plan, you will get your cell phone bill for free. This enables you to start running your business and earning money.

A cell phone franchise costs thousands of dollars to open. Few can afford that kind of an investment. There is another alternative, however. The virtual cell phone store is a new network marketing opportunity that may prove to be one of the best ones yet to come down the pike in years.


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Experience Advertising has Been Named the #1 Rated Affiliate Marketing Company for September, 2014 for Excellence in Affiliate Recruiting and Network Management

Fort Lauderdale, FL (PRWEB) October 03, 2014

Following an in-depth vendor analysis, client evaluation, and program review,, the independent authority on digital agency vendors, announced recently that Experience Advertising Inc., was named #1 on their list of best affiliate marketing management agencies for September 2014. Experience Advertising, Inc. has garnered national attention since 2007 for their award-winning digital marketing management services which include: outsourced affiliate management (OPM), social media management, SEO, SEM (Google AdWords and BingAds search engine management), conversion rate optimization, visitor re-targeting, customer referral programs, data monetization, and email marketing.

Well-known in the industry for the effectiveness of their proactive affiliate recruiting and publisher development services, Experience Advertising, Inc. was awarded high marks for the innovative and creative methods used to deliver prompt and essential affiliate messaging and support. “It’s imperative that our affiliate marketers be given immediate access to our affiliate programs’ latest promotions and deals, while also being provided copious amounts of helpful affiliate marketing resources and strategies that can help them execute their best online marketing and social media plans, which not only benefits our clients but also maximize their affiliate commissions,” stated Evan Weber, CEO at Experience Advertising, Inc. Weber continues, “We provide the best affiliate support in the industry because we are able to actually help our affiliates become better affiliates. We provide complimentary website reviews, free content, helpful affiliate marketing articles we have written, 24/7 affiliate support, and one-on-one online marketing phone calls. We are the only affiliate management agency to my knowledge that delivers that level of affiliate marketer support and training on a daily basis.”

Experience Advertising prides itself on building strong relationships with all of their agency’s affiliates and clients. Weber’s cell phone (his employees refer to it as the Bat Phone) is never turned off as his passion for digital advertising fuels this company’s drive for success. Weber freely invites affiliate marketers and merchants to call him on his mobile phone, on a 24/7 basis, if they need help with their strategies, or if they would like to talk shop and brainstorm new online marketing trends and strategies. As an outsourced affiliate program management agency or “OPM”, the management team is in a unique position of having to keep affiliates connected and excited about the products and services they are promoting and representing, while also providing the necessary skills needed to implement productive and profitable Internet marketing strategies. Weber has been in e-commerce and the digital marketing industry since 1997, bringing a wealth of experience and know-how to his agency’s clients and their affiliate marketers. There are few people as connected in the digital marketing space, as Weber has more than 10,000 LinkedIn connections he can tap into at any time to pull contacts for his clients.

Experience Advertising, Inc. has emerged as a leader in outsourced affiliate channel management (OPM) due to their utilization of proven affiliate program growth strategies and their successful recruitment of 10’s of thousands of affiliates and web publishers on the major networks which include: Commission Junction, LinkShare, and ShareASale. If you are looking to launch a new affiliate marketing program on the largest affiliate program networks or if your goal is to increase affiliate recruiting and production in your existing affiliate marketing program, contact Experience Advertising directly for a free affiliate program evaluation and consultation.

View the top ranked affiliate program management companies here: