Local Marketing

Scheffey Integrated Marketing buys Blackbird e-Solutions

Scheffey Integrated Marketing buys Blackbird e-Solutions
Scheffey Integrated Marketing has acquired Blackbird e-Solutions for an undisclosed price, it was announced Thursday. Blackbird e-Solutions founder and sole employee, Bryan Coe, has joined the 12-employee Scheffey team as digital marketing strategist.
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Botetourt County receives more than 000 in grant funds for marketing
The grants are designed to help local and regional tourism entities attract more visitors by leveraging local marketing dollars and will ultimately impact at least 195 other statewide tourism entities. The local organizations match the state grant …
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5 ways to get into digital marketing, the career you never knew you wanted says, “Book smarts are important, but street smarts will really get you ahead in the industry. Digital marketing street smarts can be gained by reading trade publications or blogs, following specific hashtags on Twitter, attending local …